First, my wonderful husband allowed me to sleep in, and got up with Josie when she woke up.
Then I got a call from Harri, and it was so good to catch up ;-)
Then I got to open some presents - a great set of hair accessories from Harri, Sven & Ella, and from my daughter an amazing iPod ready, audio synched, vibrating seat!

So after trying that for a while (I am using it right now!!), we got ready to go off to Yum Cha for lunch with mum & dad, Vika & Becca.
After trying a new Yum Cha place (East Ocean in Chinatown) last week for Father's Day, which we found to be as good as Marigold, we decided to go back to our old stomping grounds. East Ocean was very expensive.
Yum Cha was.. well.. yum.. and I got some more presents, the monetary kind from my parents and sister & Becca, and Tony gave me another present, a silver chain, he had gotten me a photo engraved silver pendant for Mother's Day this year that I didnt have a chain to put it on. Now I do ;-) It has a photo of Josie on one side, and Tony and Josie on the other. See below.

We saw three movies.
The Mummy 3 was good.. it came no where near The Mummy 1 & 2, bt it was entertaining. We missed Rachel Weiss, it was not the same without her. Jet Li wasn't in it all that much but he was good too.
HellBoy 2 was probably my favourite of the three. It was funny. The main Big Bad in it is played by Luke Goss! Who is Luke Goss you might ask.. well!! For those of you who grew up in the late 80's/90's, you should be ashamed of yourselves! Luke Goss, together with his brother Matt, asked the eternal question: When will I, will I, be famous?? Yes, after calling a halt to Bros, Luke went on to be an actor! I can't believe I actually recognised his name, but I still had to confirm with IMDB this morning ;-)
And then Tropic Thunder. Oh Tropic Thunder... the stupidest, most moronic, idiotic movie since Chicken Park. Seriously. It was so stupid I even laughed a lot. Usually I love Ben Stiller, in a sort of 'watching a car accident' kind of way... but this.. was.. just painful.. Tom Cruise was very funny.. Jack Black wasn't.. Robert Downey Jnr was just.. brilliant. Absolutely saved the movie for me.
We got home around 1130pm or so and watched an episode of Stargate, and then crashed (although towards the end of the episode I was so tired I was actually whimpering to go to sleep..). Had a lovely sleep in this morning till 10am, that never happens!! ;-)
So all in all, it was a lovely birthday, thanks to my wonderful hubby ;-)
Thanx for the shoutout Mari :) Glad you like the hair accessories :) LOVE the pressie you got from Spud and Josie. Impressive!!! Glad you had a wonderful birthday and *ching ching* to another year :) XOXO Luv Harika
Glad you had a lovely day!!! Loved the necklace too... how precious.
And OMG - Luke Goss!! I was so in love with him and his brother. I had to have my 501's with my brogues with the Grolsch bottle tops on them!! LOL Ahhhh those were the days. He is still hot hot hot.
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