Most of you will know that Josie was very fixated on her dummy for most of her life. When she turned 4, we reduced her dummy time from whenever she felt the need, to just bed times and on that day we also told her that when she turned five the dummies would go completely. This was a repeated theme over the last 12 months. We would remind her every so often, when she turned five, there would be no more dummies because she was a big girl, going to big school.

So the day she turned five she was very excited because I had told her a couple of months ago we would take the dummies and give them to the sick kids at the hospital. We made our preps and off we went to the Sydney Children's Hospital. We had wanted to prepare the nurses there so we asked a friend who is a doctor there to contact the front desk to let them know that a crazy lady and a 5 year old were bringing a bag of dummies to them. When we got there I explained the situation and the nurses were just lovely and did the whole handing over of the dummies ceremony and even gave her a birthday present. Josie was very proud.

The entertainment was a family who did Sand Art. It was so much fun!
We had about 20 or so kids there, from school and family. Everyone had a great time making their Sand Art.
Its a fabulous idea.

After the party, and the packing up, we headed off to Baba & Dyeda's to open presents. Josie got thoroughly spoilt and it took over 40 minutes to open everything up. Becca was Santa bringing her the presents one and a time and Josie loved opening so many presents.

On Australia Day, Philip turned 15, and we celebrated his and Josie's birthdays at Trudy's place where we had fantastic food as usual and relaxed and played Scattegories. Granny made a wonderful Barbie cake which Josie just loved.

Mari, I'm so proud of Josie and you for comming up with such a fantasic idea. Had you heard of "donating dummies to sick kids" before? The sand art looked like so much fun and we're sooo glad you celebrated her birthday in a big way :) Love you all and miss ya's lots!!!! XOXO
Thanks ;-)
I hadn't heard of it before no.. but I thought it would be a good idea cause she is quite maternal and I thought this would be something she would feel special about.
Cant wait till you are here!!
OMG i warned you about posting those santa photos on the net!
Be ready for your demise!!
miss you
Ohhh happy 5th Birthday Miss Josie!!!
Well done on losing the dummies - such a sweet idea to pass them on to the sick kids :) Have a wonderful first year at big school!!!
love all of us!
More photos of the birthday party at http://www.flickr.com/photos/anduril42/sets/72157603826826801/
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