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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Because Our Lives Aren't Exciting Enough..

So.. along with..
  • having to give up our home
  • move in with my parents
  • all sleep in one bed
  • trying to find a rental
  • not finding diddly squat in our price range with our List of Requirements (tm)
.. we have had the most exciting weekend!

Firstly, Friday morning, I was told that I was being 'let go'. Thats psychologist talk for "I'm firing you, not because of anything bad, simply because I don't have any more work for you and I can't afford you anymore".

And then Sunday Josie comes down with an almost 39 degree fever!

Somebody up there is honestly playing some weird practical joke on us. Seeing just how far I can be stretched before I lose my mind and go on an American style shooting spree.

And to add to all that.. I can't seem to catch up on my Tivo..

I think its time to drag out my favourite saying..

"Everything happens for a reason.."
"Everything happens for a reason.."
"Everything happens for a reason.."
"Everything happens for a reason.."

..doesn't it.. ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL... when it rains, it pours!! Mari, I know it feels like you're being punked right now, but at the end of day, you've got your health and a loving family, two things alot of people wished they had :) My fingers are still X'd :)