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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

iPhone Contacts Sync Epic FAIL!

So I set my iPhone to sync contacts and it asks me "Do you want to sync your gmail contacts list?". So I say "awesome YE-ES!" and away it goes.

The next time I need to ring someone I open up the contacts list and HOLY BATMAN!(tm) there are 600+ contacts in my list. What the hell?!

Turns out it creates a new contact for every email address found in the gMail contacts list. And since every email address you ever send to or receive from is entered into your contacts list in gMail this is a phenomenally bad idea. This was The Little Fail.

So I lived with it for a few weeks and then a couple days ago finally put in the time (45mins!) to delete all the crap. And then just now I went to email someone in gMail and typed in the first few letters of their address and waited for the auto-completion to do it's thing. And then I waited some more. And some more. And then I started to panic. And then I absolutely flipped out!

When I sync'd my iphone this morning it went back to gmail and removed all the stuff I removed from the phone!!!! Now I know, I know; that's what "sync" means stoopid. Yes, yes it does. However in my defense usually when an ipod talks about sync it is talking about between itself and iTunes. I had assumed (I know, again; it would download th econtacts from gmail and store them in iTunes and then sync between the iphone and iTunes!

This sux. *8'(

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