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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

And then they were three....

This post is not for the faint of heart.
If details about the effects of a gastro virus are too much for you read no further.

END warning

Mari has joined the ranks of The Fabulous Exploding Hills!(tm).

Let's just say Mat shouldn't take it as a critique of his cooking that the stroganoff was returned to sender after a couple of hours. She's fairing better than Josie or I so far though in that, after the main deluge out the front she has mainly had stomach cramps and firehose action from out the rear. Josie and I were stuck repetitiously throwing up stomach acid for about..well me for about 8 hours and josie for about 3/4 of a day but less often than me.

Luckily we knew what was coming when she started to feel nauseous around 11:30PM and she took Maxalon immediately. And she didn't start to erupt like Vesuvius on a bad day until 2:00AM. So it looks like she is going to come out of it better off for the experience of those who went before.

Update The First (7am)

After about 3 hours sleep, I cannot sleep no more. Still very queasy, and muchos weak, but thankfully not throwing up anymore. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. It was horrific!

So after going through Tony's post with the spell checker (Achem ANTONY!) a special note to my mum: You wanted something interesting to happen to update the blog with.. here you go ;-) Please don't ring, I am going to try and get some more sleep. I will give you a call when I can. Tony is going to stay home with me till I am feeling a bit better.

1 comment:

Mat said...

Give the spellchecker the sack.